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Tuesday, November 7, 2023






1. A square pyramid with side of base 30mm and axis length 50mm is resting on its base on HP with an edge of the base parallel to is cut by a section plane perpendicular to VP and inclined at 450 to HP. The section plane is passing through the midpoint of the axis. Draw the true shape of the section. Draw also the development of the surface of the retained solid.


2. A right circular cone of 40mm diameter and 50mm height is standing on its base on HP. The vertical trace of a section plane perpendicular to VP makes an angle of 450 with the reference line and intersects the axis of cone at a distance of 20mm from the vertex. Draw the true shape of the section and the development of lower part of sectioned cone.

3. A right circular cone of base diameter 60mm is cut by a section plane so that the true shape of the section is a parabola of maximum double ordinate 50mm and vertex of the parabola is 70mm from this ordinate. Draw the front view, sectional top view and true shape of the section.

4. A cylinder of diameter 50mm and length of the axis 65mm rests on its base with the axis perpendicular to the is cut by the cutting plane perpendicular to the VP, inclined at 450 to the HP and passing through a point on axis 25mm from the top. Draw the front view, the sectional top view and the development of the lateral surface of the cylinder.




5. A cone with 50mm base diameter and 70mm long axis, rests on its base on the HP. Draw the sectional top view and the development of its lateral surface when it is cut by an inclined plane bisecting the axis and inclined at 450 to the HP.


6. A pentagonal prism having a base within a 30mm side and 70mm long axis is resting on its base on HP, such that one of its rectangular faces is parallel to is cut by an auxiliary inclined plane making an angle of 450 with HP and passes through the midpoint of axis. Draw the sectional top view, true shape of the sectional view and development of lateral surface of truncated prism.


7. A cone of base diameter 50mm and axis 65mm is resting upon its base on is cut by a vertical plane which makes an angle of 450 with VP and is 10mm away from the axis. Draw the sectional front view showing the section and true shape of the section.

8. A right circular cylinder of base diameter 50mm and height 70mm resting upon HP on its base. An insect starts from a point on the base at the bottom, moves around the curved surface of the cylinder and reaches the top after completing two revolutions along the shortest path. Draw the development and sketch the path of the insect in the front view.


9. A cube of 65mm long edges has it vertical faces equally inclined to the is cut by a section plane perpendicular to the VP so that the true shape of the section is a regular hexagon. Determine the inclination of the cutting plane with HP and draw the sectional top view and true shape.



10. A pentagonal prism having a base within a 30mm side and 70mm long axis is resting on its base on HP, such that one of its rectangular faces is parallel to is cut by an auxiliary inclined plane making an angle of 450 with HP and passes through the midpoint of axis. Draw the sectional top view, true shape of the sectional view and development of lateral surface of truncated prism.


11. A square prism of side of base 40mm and axis 90mm long rests with its base on HP such that one of its rectangular faces is inclined at 300 to VP.A section plane perpendicular to VP and inclined to HP at 600 cuts the prism so as to pass through a point on the axis 20mm below its top end. Draw the sectional front view and the true shape of the section.

12. A square pyramid of 40mm side of base and height 60mm rests with its base on HP with one of its edges of the base parallel to is cut by a section plane perpendicular to VP and inclined at 450 to HP and bisecting the axis. Draw the development of the truncated pyramid.


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